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Transparency and Policy Documents

Government Transparency Code

Parish Councils Assets

Asset register

Details of the council's owned assets.

Asset Register Policy

This policy explains how the fixed assets of Funtington Parish Council will be recorded, managed, maintained, disposed of and reported on. It is designed to safeguard assets owned by the Parish Council.

Financial Information

Funtington Parish Council Financial Regulations

These Financial Regulations govern the financial management of the council and may only be amended or varied by resolution of the council. They are one of the council’s governing documents and shall be observed in conjunction with the council’s Standing Orders.

Annual Governance & Accountability Return

The Annual Governance & Accountability Return (AGAR) is the document that is submitted by local councils presenting a summary of their audit and financial information.

Annual Internal Audit Reports

The Council operates an overall system of internal control appropriate to its expenditure and activity. This includes an annual internal audit of its systems by an independent and competent auditor, whose findings/recommendations are reported to the Council.

Annual Bank Reconciliations

Bank Reconciliations show whether the council's bank account statements match the accounting cashbook at the end of the financial year.

CIL Reports

This document shows payments to local authorities for new developments in the local area

Notices of Conclusion of Audit

This is a document confirming that the accounts for the last accounting year have been published.

External Audit Reports

This is a certificate signed by an external auditor after a review of the AGAR.

Notice of Public Rights

This is a document explaining the rights the public have in being able to inspect the council's annual accounts.

Significant Variances

This shows whether income or expenditure has gone up or down between two accounting years.

General Policies and Publications

Councillor Code of Conduct

This is a document explaining the role and expected conduct of Councillors.

Complaints Policy

This policy explains what you should do if you have a complaint regarding the activities of the parish council and how we will respond to any complaints.

Risk Management Policy

The Risk Management Policy highlights all known significant risks in terms of Council’s activities and makes clear how such risks will be managed.

Vexatious Complaints Policy

This policy summarises the parish councils actions when dealing with vexatious complaints and behaviour by members of the public and other organisations

Data Policies

Data Retention Policy

Policy detailing the council's responsibilities for retaining certain documents, and how long they should be retained.

Statutory Documents

Standing Orders

Written rules for the local council, confirming the procedures and procedural matters for meetings.

Commitments & Pledges

Civility and Respect Pledge, Councillor-Officer Protocol

This details whether the council has signed the Civility and Respect pledge. This is a project between NALC, SLCC and OVW to help councils show their zero tolerance for bullying, harassment and intimidation in local councils.

HR Policies

HR policies summary and links to policy documents

Human Resources policies apply to all staff employed by the Parish Council

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