Published: 16 July 2024
Funtington Parish Council meets the 1st Wednesday of every month (apart from August) in St Mary’s Church Rooms, at 18:30.
The Parish Council is your Parish Council and we are here to represent and to serve, the parishioners of Funtington Parish.
At meetings we encourage everyone who attends to join in with our discussions, we want to hear your views.
At our July meeting we discussed new fencing and maintenance of the playground, local footpaths and their clearance, a handrail for the steps down to The Dell, Planning and Enforcement and the Parish Council’s Community Highways Scheme submission, this scheme is for a 20 mph speed limit to be imposed through West Ashling, East Ashling and West Stoke.
As a Parish Council we want to run this Parish as efficiently and as cost effectively as we can, we want to make improvements where we can, and to keep on top of the day-to-day management of our Parish assets.
It will take us a while to get some of these improvements made, as we must fully understand what has gone on in the past before we can move forward with what now needs to be done.
We as a Parish Council will not be making any huge changes to your Parish without full consultation with you the residents, and currently we have no major changes proposed.
We will be holding a social evening in September for all residents of the parish, so please come along and enjoy a glass of wine with us, at this event you can meet your Councillors, hear all about the Community Highways Scheme which is trying to get speed limits reduced through your villages, find out more about the Neighbourhood Plan and how this is progressing, we also want you to tell to us about the ways in which we can effectively communicate with you.
We need you to tell us about what changes and improvements you feel your Parish Council should be making, so please come along to enjoy a glass of wine and to have a chat with us.
Jane Mottershead
Chair of Funtington PC