Published: 16 July 2024
Funtington Parish Council News.
Thank you to all of those who came along to the recent Parish Social Evening, it was an amazing turn out, and in response to the amount of positive feedback that we received, we will try and arrange some similar events in the future.
At the meeting Kate Du-Port spoke about the SID (Speed Indicator Device) that is moved around between West Ashling and Funtington, Kate has been moving this SID around for us for the past 3 years. Kate would now like to step down, so if anyone feels that they could take over this task then please get in touch with the Parish Clerk, meanwhile we would like to say a huge thank you to Kate. Bob Money does a brilliant job of moving another SID around East Ashling and West Stoke.
At our October PC meeting we discussed the foreseeable flooding problems around Funtington, that we experience every winter. This year we will try and get funding to employ an engineer who will be able to identify the problems and produce a report on how to mitigate against or resolve our flooding issues.
We are delighted to welcome Elizabeth Paris, as a co-opted member, onto Funtington Parish Council, Elizabeth is already a member of the Steering Group for our Neighbourhood Plan.
Our applications for reduced speed limits in West Ashling, East Ashling and West Stoke have been accepted by WSCC Highways and now we await to see if they are agreed to, by the Highways team. Reducing the speed limits really does save lives, if you are hit by a car at 20mph there is a 1% chance that you will die, that percentage increases to 8-15% from a car travelling at 30mph and to an astonishing 25-60% if hit by a car at 40mph.
Jane Mottershead.