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Parish News – April 2024

This article is reproduced in the 'Village Voice' magazine

Published: 16 July 2024

Funtington Parish Council meet the first Wednesday of every month (apart from the month of August) in the Church Rooms in Funtington at 18:30. All members of the public are invited and positively encouraged, to attend these monthly meetings. At the meetings we have an open forum, but as Chair, I always encourage everyone present to join in with our discussions.  


The Parish Council is responsible for maintaining the parish assets, a few examples are the village playground, The Dell, finger post signs, some village signs, the defibrillators and the speed indicator devices. The parish council is also consulted on all planning applications made within the parish; it is also currently involved in the writing of a Neighbourhood Plan. 


We are always in need of volunteers to help with the Neighbourhood Plan, as well as litter picking and organising ‘speed watches’ within our villages.  


In April all households within the parish will have received a NP Questionnaire, I hope that many of you have completed and returned it as your views and opinions really do matter to us. 


As a parish councillor my hope is that we can work as a united team, together with the Church, the parish school, the village halls, the residents’ groups and associations. We are all working towards the same outcome, and by working together we can achieve so much more than we can by working individually. 


Local information and information about the parish council can be found on the Funtington parish council website and parish noticeboards. 


If you wish to be kept informed on parish events and activities, would like to be involved with the Neighbourhood Plan or  just like to get more involved within our community, even thinking about becoming a parish councillor, please contact Rachel our parish clerk at:  


Your parish council is here to serve you, the people of this parish. 


Jane Mottershead – Chair of Funtington Parish Council  

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